ANS, Cardiovascular Disease, Brain Dysfunction and Metabolic Disorders Training



Price $1895

ANS, Cardiovascular Disease, Brain Dysfunction, and Metabolic Disorders Training

In-depth interpretation of functional diagnostic tools & treatment protocols with a focus on cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders.

A comprehensive guide for the advanced practice of integrative medicine in the use of the latest diagnostic technologies and functional testing.

Offer your patients evidence-based treatment options for optimal health and longevity while significantly improving your bottom line.

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

All organs are under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Nine out of ten top causes of mortality are associated with ANS dysfunction. Thorough, in-­‐office evaluation of the ANS provides the practitioner invaluable information not typically available without costly, time-­‐consuming and invasive tools in conventional medicine. Significant practice income potential is realized by the use of the tool as well as treatment protocols to address the underlying cause.

Brain Assessment ‐ WAVi

Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, closed-­‐head trauma, depression, ADHD are easily discovered by the use and proper interpretation of WAVi. Patients’ benchmark for brain age is also suggested. Short-­‐term, four-­‐month protocols will be discussed with potential for the remarkable improvement in brain function parameters and your financial bottom line

Metabolic Dysfunction

Half of adult Americans have a metabolic disorder whereby the mitochondria via the Krebs Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation are unable to produce the optimal amount of ATP. Learn about a comprehensive approach to help patients with metabolic dysfunction, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, and mitochondrial dysfunction.



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